Environmental Health:
Call : 01923 278503 – choose option 1 then option 3.
This includes all loud music, noise complaints, intrusive bonfires, etc
Road & Pavements:
To report potholes & dangerous pavements – County Council Highways 0300 123 4047
or by using the online portal:
Cold Callers:
You can report suspicious activity to Trading Standards on 0345 404 0506.
Also make sure you register with the UK’s only official “Do Not Call” list at the Telephone Preference Service (free) to add your number to the list of numbers that cannot be contacted without permission.
Sales or marketing, organisations are legally obliged to screen their call lists against the TPS. They must not make an unsolicited direct marketing call to a number registered with the TPS, and if they do enforcement fines can be up to £50,000.
You may have heard of the existence of some tunnels under parts of the estate; these are remnants from the old Cassiobury House(s). It’s unknown if they were part of the cellars of the original House or perhaps designed for cold storage. A resident is currently investigating them and collating data.
If anyone has information on any, please drop a line to: [email protected]