The Cassiobury Estate has an active Neighbourhood Watch scheme, helping to alert local residents and the police about issues to help to prevent and report crime.
See the latest Neighbourhood Watch Newsletters here:
If you have anything to report, or would like to know more about the scheme, your local contact is Andrew Gunn – email him on [email protected]
Crime prevention:
Estate levels of crime are fortunately relatively infrequent when compared to national trends; however, simple measures to deter or prevent thieves include ensuring all car locks are secured, and house locks and windows too, even if only away for a few minutes.
Security lighting and one or two timer switches for house lights will deter many opportunists.
Car wireless and proximity keys should be kept out of sight, well away from front doors and are best placed in a metal tin at home to prevent hacking. Steering locks are good deterrents too.
CCTV and ring cameras were discussed and the latest home security devices were on a recent NW Herts Watch display.
Feedback is that the more residents in an area signed up to OWL, the greater the number of arrests and charges, and that increased OWL usage by residents tends to reduce crime levels overall.
OWL stands for Online Watch Link, and is a joint newsletter initiative between Neighbourhood Watch and the local police, to share information and alerts, and enable quicker and more efficient communication about crime in the community. If
It’s free to sign up, and this is the link for the Hertfordshire newsletter:
To sign up visit
Contacting the Hertfordshire Police:
- Emergencies only: 999
- Note: If an emergency and cannot speak: if you are in a hostile environment or situation and you can’t talk, you can call 999 and press 55 to tell the police that you are unable to speak but that you need their help.
- Non-emergency: 101
- or
- Visit to report a crime/chat to a police operator live.
- Webchat online is at – click on the green bubble.
- You can report non-emergencies online at – click on ‘report’
- You can also report a crime or suspicious behaviour to Crimestoppers, online, or by calling on 0800 555 111.